Presidency of Cabinet/Art Department
Town of Amalfi
Compagnia degli Sbuffi


Festival of young European Puppeteers

From the 14th to the 20th June 2000

Eight Edition


In collaboration with:

"Burattini nel verde"
Festival International du Théâtre de Marionnettes

Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli)

"La luce azzurra"
Festival International du Théâtre de Marionnettes



Last term of presentation 30th April 1999

- The Compagnia degli Sbuffi and the Communal Administration of Amalfi, announce the seventh edition of the award «Nuove Mani / Festival of youh European puppeteers.
- The seventh edition of award «Nuove Mani» confirms for the currant year the enthusiasm, the intent and the hope that this initiative will be for all the participants a moment of comparison, control and professional growth in the common European house.
- The award is constitued by two sections: Italian section; European section.
- The award is turned to the young companies of the countries of the European union with at least three years of activity, whose members have not exceeded the thirtyfith years of age that work in the figure theatre field, either refereed to the schools of European tradition, or to those who work for the benewal of the technics, of the poetic, of the themes linked to the animated figures.
- The festival will guarantee the selected companies the refund of the journey and stay the lenght of the professional formation.
- The shows admitted at the festival will be visioned from adjure of techical that will signal the most interesting show and from popular jury of young.
- The interested companies must send non later than the 30 April 1999 the following documentation:
1) Artistic and technical card of the show (In Italian or English)
2) Curriculum (In Italian or English)
3) Two coloured photos and two blach and white.
4) Video of the show (Also amateur)


Compagnia degli Sbuffi
Premio «Nuove Mani - Festival dei Giovani burattinai d’Europa»
c.a. Sig.ra Violetta Ercolano
Via Pomponio, 10
80053 Castellammare di Stabia
Neaples - Italy

For further information our offices are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Violetta Ercolano

Presidency of Cabinet/Art Department
Town of Amalfi
Compagnia degli Sbuffi

Festival of young European Puppeteers


Company...... ..................................................................................................................................


Telephone ...............................Fax ............................E.mail..........................................................

Organiser referent........... ...............................................................................................................

Title of the show...................................................................................................................

Type ...........................................................Adopted language.......................................................

Band of age suitable ................................Length...........................................................................

Author .............................................................Production..............................................................

Music.. ........................................................Actors/Animators N°...............................................

Montage h. .........................................................Dismouting h. ....................................................

Encumbrance, measures: width................depth......................height.............................................

Europea languages Known.............................................................................................................

Further considerable news..............................................................................................................


Filling the technical card in all parts.